In addition to its regular ministry of the Word, Bethel supports a variety of local, national, and international missions. The Orthodox Presbyterian Church participates in home and foreign missions efforts as described below.
Orthodox Presbyterian Church Worldwide Outreach
The OPC seeks to be obedient to the Lord’s Great Commission. To that end, Worldwide Outreach has established committees to oversee home and foreign missions.
OPC Foreign Missions
Realizing that God upholds, directs, and disposes all things by his most wise and holy providence, we are committed to pursue the opportunities He presents to us to further the proclamation of the gospel to the nations. We bear in mind that ultimately He is the one who provides the clear and focused opportunity, the necessary personnel, and the required support.
OPC Home Missions
The OPC Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension helps presbyteries and congregations of the OPC to start new Presbyterian and Reformed congregations throughout the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.
Join the Harvest
Our former pastor Steve Doe serves the church and the presbytery as Regional Home Missionary in the Maryland and Virginia region, seeking opportunities for planting new OPC churches.