
Biblical: Proclaiming Biblical Truths
Historical: Grounded in the historic Christian Faith
Redemptive: Rejoicing in the saving work of Jesus Christ

  • Bethel is a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church located in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
  • We are committed to bringing the good news of God’s Son, the Savior of sinners, Jesus Christ, to the community of Fredericksburg and our whole area.
  • We are a fellowship of men, women, and children united by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, committed to His Word and His gospel of saving grace.
  • We are committed to our historic roots of the 16th Century Protestant Reformation and its 17th Century doctrinal statement, the Westminster Confession of Faith with its Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
  • We believe that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God, the truth that guides our lives.
  • Our system of doctrine is the biblical doctrine taught in the Bible known as the “Reformed” faith.
  • We are committed to loving one another and our neighbors as Christ loved us.

Fruit of the Spirit: Introduction from OPC on Vimeo.

Gentleness from OPC on Vimeo.