Church Life

Bethel is not an “agenda-driven” church. Our only agenda is that given to God’s church everywhere in the gospel commission of Matthew 28. Our church is focused on Worship, Witness, and Discipleship.

Worship is central to who we are as Christians. We strive to be faithful to God’s commands in worship. We abstain from gimmicks and seek God’s glory in worship, confident that God will build up his people as we gather together to hear him speak to us and as we respond in prayer, praise, and confession.

Our worship services start at 11:00 am every Sunday morning, and afternoon worship services at 2:00pm the second and fourth Sundays every month.

Witness (Missions)
Today many churches speak of being “missional”. But shouldn’t all churches be involved in “proclaim[ing] the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” to a watching world (1 Pet.2:9)?

Our local congregation seeks to reach the lost in the Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania/Stafford area, but we also join with other churches to witness to the world through the Foreign and Home Missions of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. You can read about the OPC’s approach to Jesus’s Great Commission here: Worldwide Outreach Brochure.

We regularly pray for our missions activities; we give financially; and occasionally those directly involved in missions visit and give presentations to keep us informed of their activities and prayer needs.

Discipleship (Christian Education)
Bethel members not only grow as disciples by attending to the means of grace on Sundays, but our lives are woven together throughout the week. We are not a program-driven church, although we do various Bible studies, a young people’s group, and a small group, as well as events like Vacation Bible School.

On Sunday, Sunday school classes for children (by age groupings) and adults are held 9:30–10:30 am.

We typically gather for prayer on the third Sunday of each month at 6 pm.

Women’s ministry
The women of Bethel meet weekly for a time of prayer, with a bi-weekly Bible study. Occasionally the women have a tea for a special fellowship time.

Fellowship activities
Bethel has a potluck meal following the worship service on the second and fourth Sundays of every month. Visitors are happily invited and encouraged to stay after worship and eat with us — there is always plenty of food for everyone!

Men’s Fellowship
In addition to our monthly men’s Bible study, we hold a monthly men’s dinner at a local restaurant. We welcome you to join. Please inquire to confirm dates and times.